1) We will not charge you anything unless we do some work into the computer, we will charge you once the service is done. (Every stimate is free. Including hardware report)
2) If you have the computer's CD/DVD Windows installation please provide it. We will provide any Windows installation like the Windows XP of any Edition or Wondows Vista of any Edition or Windows 7 of any Edition as well. (Note that the prices will vary depending on the problem you have as well as the Windows Edition that your computer needs or that you want it to be installed)
3) If the problem is a hardware like the Memory Ram, Processor, Video Card, Hard Drive, Power Supply, Motherboard or any other component, you can buy it your self or I can buy it for you if you don't know where to find the components but you will have to provide me the money for the component. (Note that if I provide any hardware that you bough, I will not add it to your charges and I will also give you the recipt so you can make sure that I'm not taking any extra money out of you pocket for my convinience.)
4) My charges: Any charge will vary of any situation or any troubleshooting for the computer.
5) Day of returning: The computer will vary of any situation or any trobleshooting for the computer as well.
6) You will have only 15 days of technical support by me and the rest of warranty that you will have of any hardware bough by you or me. (Only if only you bough any hardware.)
7) Im not responsible of any hardware failure that you or that I bough. You may contact the manufatoring company of any hardware. (Keep in mind that I will really buy a good product for you, not a product that will last you only three months)
8) If you agreed to these eight terms and conditions and decide to let me check your computer, I can go to your house and pick it up. Just give me your address and I will go. Keep in mind that when I go to your house I will give you the same terms and conditions letter so you can sign it and confirm that you really accepted these terms and conditions. (This is done in this way so we don't have any further issues or personal issues.) After the stimate if you decide not to let me fix your computer I can still send it to your house.